Hearing damage can impair every area of your life, including your work and your relationships. While, to an extent, some hearing loss comes with age, there are many ways you can be proactive about protecting your hearing before it becomes so damaged that it impairs your ability to communicate efficiently and clearly in different groups and settings. The longer you can protect your hearing, the better off you will be as you age.
Here are five ways to be proactive about protecting your hearing.
1. Avoid loud noises when possible.
Avoiding consistent loud noises will go along way in protecting your hearing. Constant loud noises may include blaring music, screaming people, sirens, power tools, guns, etc. Avoiding loud noises will likely mean avoiding going places you know will be consistently loud such as clubs, concerts, worksites, and ranges. If you work in an always noisy place, your employer should provide ear protection. If they do not, you should invest in your own.
2. Use earplugs when you know you’ll be around loud noises.
When you are going to be around loud noises, always use earplugs. Protecting your ears when you are going to be at a concert, club, worksite, or range will decrease the potential damage to your ears. While it will lessen the volume of the noise, it will not eliminate it, so you can still enjoy what you are doing or listening to with ear protection. You can use over the ear protection or form earplugs that are the size of earbuds. Each is designed to create a safety barrier between your eardrums and the noises around you. Ear protection will not completely block out the noise, so you can still hear music or even people talking depending on the situation.
3. Avoid using earbuds
Earbuds blast music and noise directly into the most sensitive parts of your ear. Long-term use of earbuds can cause permanent hearing damage, loss of hearing, and Tinnitus. Listening to music loudly through earbuds will expedite the damage being done to your ears. It is best to avoid earbuds entirely, but if they are needed, keeping the volume low will help to minimize the damage to your hearing. Children using earbuds from a young age is dangerous and will almost inevitably lead to hearing impairment later in life.
4. Use Tinnitus 911 to eliminate the effects of Tinnitus.
Tinnitus 911 is a safe and all-natural solution to calm the nervous system and reduce the harsh whooshing, roaring, and blood-pumping sounds in your ears. Those suffering from Tinnitus leaving with almost constant auditory pain and discomfort. While there is no cure for Tinnitus, there are options to relieve symptoms such as Tinnitus 911. Tinnitus is a symptom, so the only way to reduce the Tinnitus is to address the underlying cause. Panic and stress put pressure on the nervous system that can exacerbate the Tinnitus. Calming the cause can relieve the symptoms.
5. Do not clean your ears with Q-tips.
For years, people have used q-tips to clean the inside of their ears. However, Q-tips are dangerous to use in this way and can cause long-term problems. Using q-tips to clean your ears causes a condition called cerumen impaction, which leads to hearing problems Tinnitus, and vertigo. While it may be uncomfortable to feel like there is water in your ear, it will come out on its own. Laying down on your side, so that the ear nothing you is facing down will help the water drain out faster, so you can settle down. You should never stick anything into your ear even if it is meant to clean the area.