Understanding bioavailability is central to discovering the benefits and drawbacks of CBD. The term refers to the rate and degree to which a substance can enter your system, typically through ingestion or inhalation. For instance, CBD enters your system more quickly when you vape it, as opposed to ingesting the oil. This is likely due to the fact that there are more barriers between ingested material and blood flow than with inhaled materials. While it’s impossible to say precisely why this is the case, it’s important to bear this fact in mind when you come to enjoy CBD.
Bioavailability explained
When CBD is orally ingested, it must first pass through your liver before entering your bloodstream. However, when vaped, CBD goes directly to your lungs. Essentially, when you take CBD oil, you need to wait for your body to metabolise it, which can take 1-2 hours. Typically, around 10% of the CBD that enters your bloodstream will be available for absorption by your cells when you ingest it. Conversely, 50% is available when you inhale CBD! However, just because vaping affects you more quickly, you shouldn’t forego CBD in oil form altogether, as it still has many benefits.
How ingesting and inhaling CBD is different.
The main way that the two methods of taking CBD are different is that inhaling CBD in a vape means you will feel its effects much more quickly. Scientists have been unable to definitively say why this is the case, but it’s likely due to the fact that vaping provides a more direct route to the bloodstream. For newbies, inhaling is typically a better option than ingesting CBD.
Reasons why you should consider vaping CBD
- CBD is more effectively delivered to your system when you vape it.
- Smoking CBD is a healthier alternative to smoking cannabis.
- Compared to taking CBD as an oil or tincture, vaping allows you to experience the effects more quickly.
- Vaporisers deliver a more impactful experience, as you don’t have to wait too long for the CBD to enter your bloodstream.
- If you suffer from nausea, vaping is a good alternative as CBD doesn’t have to pass through your stomach.
- Vaping is also ideal if you struggle to take tablets or have a hard time swallowing capsules.
- For people who dislike smoking cannabis but are into the health benefits of CBD, vaping is perfect.
The bottom line is that inhaling CBD is more efficient than ingesting it. If you’re looking to experience the effects of CBD more quickly and don’t want to feel nauseous after taking it, then vaping CBD is the perfect solution for you.