The sun makes it possible for all life on Earth to exist and thrive. Plants need it to grow. It creates ocean currents and dictates the weather. The angle that it’s in drives the seasons. Without the sun, the planet would be coated in ice and rock. It helps create oxygen in the world so both plants and people can survive. But what does sunlight do for human health? Does exposure to a good amount of sun actually benefit you? And in what ways is it beneficial to the human body? Learn all about how sunlight can benefit your health in the following sections.
Exposure to sunlight helps reduce stress.
Exposure to sunlight helps with serotonin levels, which is the hormone that helps you feel calm and focused. It’s essential to have the best windows in your home to let in sunlight year-round, especially if you live in an area with changing seasons. Get a mood boost with a home improvement project and have your windows in Grand Haven replaced by All Weather Seal Inc. As a homeowner, you’ll want to choose replacement windows that do a fantastic job at letting in a lot of sunshine. But keep in mind that a quality product should also increase energy efficiency in your home. When your windows don’t let a lot of light in during the winter, you might have trouble with your vitamin D levels or develop seasonal depression.
It impacts your mental health and fights off depression.
Without enough sunlight, your serotonin levels dip, which can lead to a higher risk of depression. Sufficient lighting is essential for your mental health. That’s why people often use sunlight lamps during the winter. If you’re having trouble with your mental health, then you may want to consider the Berkshire Therapy Group. Learn how to overcome your biggest challenges with group therapy. Find out your triggers and achieve success with data-driven treatments. Berkshire Therapy’s goal is to help you become your best self with authenticity and scientific insight at the forefront. You’ll find compassionate therapists to help you improve your overall quality of life.
Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is necessary for your body to absorb calcium. This is essential for healthy muscles, bones, and teeth. These days, there are a lot of foods fortified with vitamin D, but the best source is the sun. Being exposed to sunlight for a few minutes a day can help you boost your health. Exposure to UVB rays is the best way for the body to produce its own vitamin D3. Try to get five to 10 minutes of sunshine a few times a week to support your immune system, nervous system, bones, and teeth. A deficiency can easily lead to rickets, osteoporosis, or osteomalacia.
Morning sun helps improve your sleep quality.
Your body’s circadian rhythm is essentially its internal clock. It’s how your body knows when to get up and when to wind down for sleep. When you’re exposed to morning sunlight, your body understands the sleep and wake cycle a lot better. It might seem counterintuitive to get more sunlight in order to get more sleep, but a study showed that people who got more sunlight during work hours often slept an average of 46 minutes more every night.
Now that you’re aware of how much sunlight can impact your health positively, it’s time to get outside! Start opening up those windows and letting in more light. Commit to taking walks outside several times a week, and make sure to get your vitamin D throughout the year. The benefits listed here only scratch the surface when it comes to the positive impact of sunlight on your health.