Dr. Joon Faii Ong is a recognized expert on Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremors. Dr. Ong explains what Essential Tremors are and how they can be treated.
What are Essential Tremors?
Essential Tremor is a neurological condition that affects the central nervous system of those who have it, not due to any other health conditions or injuries. For example, the condition causes an individual’s hands to shake involuntarily, but the rest of their body isn’t affected, and it is a condition that only affects the hands.
How do Essential Tremors Affect People?
Essential tremors can cause problems with many aspects of day-to-day life for those who have them. It may even impede their relationships and social lives because people find it hard to shake other peoples’ hands, hold onto things securely, or even drink from a glass without spilling it.
How are Essential Tremors Treated?
The tremors can be treated with medication, but this isn’t always the best option due to unwanted side effects or reaction times. There is another option, though, which is extremely effective, and that is through movement. By wearing a glove specifically designed by GyroGear for those with Essential Tremors, the tremors can be quelled and give the wearer a much steadier hand.
Other treatments include wearing steadying hand or wrist weights which can help to reduce the tremors. However, it isn’t always possible for everyone to wear these, so other options are also available, such as using elastic bands tied around the wrist.
Yet another option is to use some everyday objects that can help to reduce the tremors, such as a rolled-up towel or a long-handled plastic spoon.
Is There a Cure for Essential Tremors?
There is no cure for Essential Tremors, but the treatment options are available to provide relief so people can lead normal lives. It is all about identifying which method would work best for that individual and then moving forward with their treatment.
What is the Progression of the Symptoms of Essential Tremors?
As Parkinson’s Disease progresses, the tremors can get worse. This is because the condition causes the body to progressively stop producing dopamine, which helps with muscle control throughout the body. So gradually, an individual could find it harder and harder to walk, talk, sleep or swallow. However, there are treatments for this disease, too, so it doesn’t have to be the end of living a normal life as long as they look into therapeutic options such as surgery.
What are the Symptoms Related to Essential Tremors?
The tremors associated with Essential Tremors can differ according to individual. For example, some find it only their hands shake, while others may find they also have issues with their head or neck area. In addition, just being stressed causes tremors for some of these people, whereas, for others, it can be caused by caffeine or tiredness.
What Are the Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease?
Two main methods can help treat Parkinson’s disease – medication and surgery. Medication can help with some symptoms, but surgery does mean many more symptoms can be treated. In addition, deep brain stimulation can now be used to assist those individuals who develop the condition.