As I reached the age of 30 I noticed something which I had began to do and thankfully it was pointed out to be my sister which meant that I could start working on it before I got into the habit of doing it all the time. What I am referring to here is not listening to others when I thought I knew best, especially if that other person was younger than myself. What is weird about this is that I can actually remember being annoyed about it as a kid when my father would ignore me based on the fact that I was younger and couldn’t possibly know more than him, and then I fell into the trap. Check yourself if you begin to do this, and here is why.
Age Doesn’t Equal Knowledge
It is vital to understand that age does not instantly equal knowledge, experience yes, but knowledge, not always. Straight off the bat you have to think that younger people are actively educating themselves which means that their minds are far fitter than ours, and with regards to older people, why would you stop listening to them simply because you are no longer obliged to? Ultimately we have to realize that there is always someone who knows more than us, always.
Missing Out
The moment where my sister noticed what was going on was shortly after I opened my new restaurant and I wanted to add some Mexican items to the menu. At the time invited a family friend Javier Burillo into the restaurant to show me some authentic dough for making tacos. Prior to Javier coming in I read a great deal and watch d number of videos about taco making, which sadly meant that I didn’t give Javier as much of my attention as I should have. I am actually pleased my sister pointed this out as to be honest, Javier not only grew up making dough for tacos but he’s worked in some amazing Mexican restaurants, and clearly knows infinitely more than I do. Thankfully he came back the next day when I was much more receptive.
Brain Health
I have learned that in reality there is nothing worse than assuming the fact that you know it all, first of all because it is simply untrue and second of all because in doing so you will actually prevent yourself from learning more, which of course is going to be dangerous. There is actually research which suggests that when we stop learning new things that our brain closes down certain pathways and this has been linked to diseases later in life such as dementia and Alzheimers. Ultimately if you want your brain to stay healthier then you have to make sure that you are doing enough to give it a workout, just like biceps or triceps your brain is a muscle too.
Don’t fall into the trap that I dd, make sure that you are always seeking to listen to others.