Children’s rate of progression differs as per their pace. They have various interests, skills, hobbies, and personalities. But when they reach the age of 4, common milestones arise. A child with this age develops new exciting abilities such as singing, skipping, walking, drawing, and developing analytical thinking by solving puzzles. Moreover, as they tend to grow more, they learn to jump at ropes, balance their body, recognize their address and phone number as they reach the age of 5.
Early childhood assessment is a dire need for educators to provide families with critical information about a child’s development and growth. And it does not have to be a burden to the child. One reason why NAPLAN tutoring has been transparent in focusing on advancing to early child assessments is to prevent child’s worries.
What is NAPLAN?
NAPLAN or the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy, is for students in their 3rd, 5th, 7th to 9th year, and since 2008 it has been an annual assessment of the school calendar. It tests all sorts of the skill of your children. From how fast they progress in literacy, spelling, and analytical thinking — the test focuses on four criteria such as reading, writing, vocabulary, and math.
As a parent, you can always find a NAPLAN tutoring for your child to help them understand more of what type of test they will undergo. They can give useful information through different kinds of learning styles (e.g., visual cues, written handouts, auditory, and extracurricular activities).
Why Do We Need NAPLAN?
In Australian education, many parents and teachers believe that NAPLAN is essential in a child’s learning as they can monitor their children’s basic literacy and numeracy skills, which is crucial in later parts of life. NAPLAN is something most children will participate at some point in their lives.
The Australian Assessment and Curriculum Reporting Authority runs NAPLAN, and teachers use its results to identify students that can benefit from a more significant challenge and continuous support. ACARA also states that it can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the child and focus the learning for his gains of improvements.
Most of you already know that results in NAPLAN are published annually. The Australian Bureau of Statistics compares data and student’s performances in each school and knows which school is doing better or worse. However, each school has different learning styles and doesn’t change the fact that finding the right school for your children is not by evaluating the results of the school’s NAPLAN scores.
Purpose and benefits of NAPLAN
1. It improves the school’s environment for teaching.
Results of NAPLAN helps the school to identify problems in the school system. It is also the means of how they evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching to children. They can use this to appraise the weakness of schools from the national level down to individual students.
2. It implements transparency to what children should be focusing on.
Literacy and numeracy are some of the common aspects the national, state, and school levels should be focusing on. With NAPLAN, they can see how their children are progressing in these two-national standards.
3. The Australian government remains accountable for the results of NAPLAN.
The government is accountable for literacy and numeracy of every individual residing in Australia.
When nearing exams, anxiety is normal for the first time or low-level students. In a more in-depth look, NAPLAN is just a narrow part of life, and there are more important aspects that truly matter for a student. There is no reason to be hypersensitivity when tackling such an assessment. All individuals are unique to themselves, and no test can tell who they want to be.